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thumbnail image navigating salary advance loans for quick cash
Navigating Salary Advance Loans for Quick Cash

Category : Financial Insights

Poonawalla Fincorp Team • Jan 16, 2024 • 4455 views

If youe a salaried professional dealing with urgent financial needs, you can rely on a Salary Advance Loan to fulfil your monthly obligations. This unsecured short-term loan is exclusively for salaried employees like you. Its quick application process ensures funds are disbursed to your account within days for added convenience and the repayment process begins after your paycheck is deposited.

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How Does Credit Card Refund Work?

Category : Financial Insights

Poonawalla Fincorp Team • Jan 15, 2024 • 1091 views

Often, purchasing things with a credit card is convenient and has various benefits, such as cashback, rewards, and protection from fraud. However, sometimes you might want to return the product because it was defective, or you placed an order by mistake. Thankfully, with the credit card refund option, you can get your money back on time. Keep reading to know how!

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Redefining Finance: Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms

Category : Financial Insights

Poonawalla Fincorp Team • Jan 15, 2024 • 868 views

When you think about getting a loan, banks and NBFCs might be the first options that come to mind, but guess what? There is another alternative available, known as the peer-to-peer lending system or P2P lending. This lets you borrow directly from individuals or investors through online platforms. It is a fresh way to get loans with potentially lower rates and a simple process. 

thumbnail image 6 Crucial Debt Management
6 Crucial Debt Management Tips to Learn in 2024

Category : Financial Insights

Poonawalla Fincorp Team • Jan 10, 2024 • 1623 views

Over the past couple of years, the number of people applying for some form of credit has increased due to a host of different factors. Most of this is usually attributed to the economy picking up and more people borrowing credit.

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9 Tips to Achieve Financial Freedom This Republic Day

Category : Financial Insights

Poonawalla Fincorp Team • Jan 04, 2024 • 1112 views

Is lack of finances holding you back from unlocking your dreams? Achieving financial not only means stress-free spending, but it also signifies living a stress-free life. Despite India being one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, it is a distant dream of Indians, especially the youth, to attain financial freedom.

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What are Finance Charges in Credit Card?

Category : Financial Insights

Poonawalla Fincorp Team • Jan 02, 2024 • 804 views

Lenders offer various financial tools, such as loans and credit cards, to meet your financial needs. However, finance charges are levied in case of default in repayment. Credit cards are versatile financial tools that allow you to purchase without cash, but finance charges can quickly increase your monthly credit card bills.

Interest Amount Amortization
What is Interest Amount Amortization?

Category : Financial Insights

Poonawalla Fincorp Team • Jan 01, 2024 • 759 views

Interest amount amortization is a financial process where you systematically pay off both the interest and the principal over a pre-determined fixed period and as per the agreed terms and conditions.

thumbnail images for credit cards in India
Evolution of Credit Card in India: A Journey

Category : Financial Insights

Poonawalla Fincorp Team • Dec 30, 2023 • 1099 views

Credit cards have seamlessly integrated into our lives, providing a streamlined means to conduct transactions both online and offline. Read on to learn the historical trajectory and technological advancements of credit cards in India.

CIF number
What is CIF Number? and Why is It Important?

Category : Financial Insights

Poonawalla Fincorp Team • Dec 30, 2023 • 1314 views

The CIF number is your unique financial fingerprint, functioning as your banking lifeline. This number connects all your accounts and safeguards your financial information.

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Effect of Inflation on Borrowers and How to Manage It

Category : Financial Insights

Poonawalla Fincorp Team • Dec 29, 2023 • 772 views

India witnessed an increase in inflation leading to an overall increase in prices. As the effects of inflation reshape the economic landscape, borrowers face a unique set of challenges and opportunities.

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How to Set and Achieve Short-Term Financial Goals: A Step-by-Step Guide

Category : Financial Insights

Poonawalla Fincorp Team • Dec 27, 2023 • 858 views

In the journey of financial well-being, setting and achieving short-term financial goals is like navigating a path towards a brighter, more secure future. Whether its building an emergency fund, paying off debt, or saving for that long-awaited vacation, short-term financial goals provide the stepping stones to your larger financial objectives.

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What to Look for in a Loan Agreement: A Complete Checklist

Category : Financial Insights

Poonawalla Fincorp Team • Dec 26, 2023 • 734 views

A loan agreement establishes an understanding between the creditor and the debtor. The primary purpose of this crucial document is to protect the lender in case the debtor doesn’t pay back. Do you want to apply for a loan? Before you sign the dotted lines, it is crucial to understand what to look for in a loan agreement and be clear about all the terms and conditions.

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