There are chances that you might miss a few of the important factors affecting CIBIL. As a borrower, you must be aware of how the CIBIL score is calculated and the factors affecting your credit score. Your CIBIL score is affected by numerous factors which directly influence your day-to-day finances. A positive or a negative CIBIL score impacts your financial decision making which later impacts your CIBIL report or credit report. Also, a negative CIBIL score shows your poor financing skills which lenders discourage while providing a high amount of loan. It indicates that as a borrower you are not reliable to pay back the borrowed amount on time.
So, how CIBIL is
There are four major factors that
influence the calculation of your CIBIL score: payment history,
credit exposure, credit type and duration, and other factors.

Percentage |
Factors |
30% |
Payment History |
25% |
Credit Exposure |
25% |
Credit Type and duration |
20% |
Other factors |
Now that you understand how CIBIL is calculated and the factors affecting CIBIL score, here are a few factors that can impact your CIBIL score negatively:
1. Negligent Payment
Your payment history has a major influence
on the CIBIL score. It is a good habit to pay your bills on time.
Good financial habits will help you tackle any challenge that you
might face. Your negligent payment behavior has a huge impact on
your CIBIL score. There are chances that you miss a payment when you
have multiple credit cards and EMI bills. It is advised to keep
every message, email, and call on alert in such a situation. Keeping
everything on track helps you maintain a healthy CIBIL score.
2. Exceeding Credit
As a borrower, you should follow the basic rule
of utilizing 30% of the credit limit. This allows you to keep an eye
on your credit limit. By exceeding the credit limit, you might alert
lenders as a risky borrower. Always remember, that you should not
exceed 50% of your credit limit. For example, if your credit limit
is ?2 Lakh, you should aim to spend around ?60,000 and not more than
that. Utilizing more than the credit limit might negatively impact
your credit limit.
3. Unpaid Dues
A credit report is a reflection of all your credit history
including repayment history, any outstanding payments, overdue, and
any default in payment. It is advised that you should always clear
your unpaid dues or any outstanding credit, even if it is a small
amount. Having an unpaid due will negatively impact the CIBIL score.
4. Paying only the
Minimum Amount Due
It is important that you have
good repayment behavior, paying only the minimum amount due will
negatively impact your credit score. By constantly paying the
minimum amount due, you will fall into a debt trap. Another
important factor that occurs is compounding interest on the
outstanding amount due. The high-interest rate takes out a major
portion of your daily and monthly financial budget.
5. Making Multiple Credit
A hard inquiry is done by lenders
whenever you apply for a credit card or loan. When you make multiple
credit card request, it reflects on your CIBIL report or credit
report. These multiple requests then negatively affect your CIBIL
score. As a borrower, you should never immediately request another
credit card application. And if your credit card application is
rejected, you should first improve your CIBIL score.
6. Errors in your CIBIL
Any error in your CIBIL report is not good for
your CIBIL score. CIBIL report is a detailed report where you have
your entire credit history. If you find any errors, you should
correct those errors immediately. The errors will reflect on the
CIBIL report and can hamper your CIBIL score and only lenders can
rectify your errors.
7. Not Having a Credit
There are two types of credit – secured and
unsecured credit or loan. As a borrower, you should have a mix of
both types of credit. Having both types of credit increase the
confidence of the lender. It helps lenders in understanding that you
have experience in handling both types of credit. Generally, a
credit card is categorized as an unsecured loan while an
auto loan and home loan are considered as secured loans. If you are
someone who has only one type of credit, it will impact your CIBIL
score or credit score negatively.
8. Credit
Credit history begins when someone applies for
credit or a loan for the first time. A borrower with a long credit
history is always given preference over someone who has a few years
of credit history. A long credit history boost confidence and trust
with the lenders. Also, you can get a loan easily when you have a
long credit history.
To Conclude
Irrespective of your CIBIL score, it is important that you should
have good financial habits from earlier stages of life. These habits
lay a foundation for a good finance portfolio. It might take a few
months or even years to change your negative CIBIL score. While you
focus on improving your CIBIL score, you should also consider planning
your credit from time to time.