Legend has it that the Goddess Durga defeated Mahishasura through
nine incarnations during the nine nights of Navratri. In our land of
cultural diversity, there is no other festival that resonates with
such parallel reverence across all the major states. Each of the nine
days of Navratri are observed with an auspicious devotion toward the
divine power of Mahishasura Mardini.
While we prepare to delve
into the spiritual experience of Navratri, each of the nine days also
enlightens the path to our financial wellbeing. Read this blog to know
how some popular Navratri traditions also connect the dots to nine
best financial habits that can guide us to a better financial future.
9 Days 9 Lessons for Financial Growth

1. Discipline
Financial discipline is
the first step toward a better financial future. Just as the
abstinence from worldly pleasures during Navratri feeds our soul
with positivity, refraining from bad spending habits aids in
achieving financial well-being. Stay away from bad habits like
impulsive spending and always budget your expenses as key inclusions
for a disciplined financial life.
2. Reduce Debt/Manage Debt
debt is never good for overall financial wellbeing. However, your
victory over the evils of debt materialize when you start paying off
your existing debts. In addition, always plan your future loans and
repayment options in advance to avoid accumulating unwanted debt.
3. Plan Your Expenses
Navratri teaches
us that it’s never too late for new beginnings. So why not start
having a new approach to your daily spending this Navratri?
While planning high-ticket expenses are usually manageable, we often
find ourselves struggling with our impulsive spending habits. Pause
before tapping the “Pay Now” button and reconsider whether you
actually need to spend on a purchase.
4. Save for Future
Just as Devi’s
nine-days of relentless battle was crucial for the future of
humanity, each penny you put into your savings fund today is crucial
for a secure financial future. Having some funds stored in your
savings account always comes in handy during emergency instant fund
needs. In addition, you can also consider other instruments for
investment that can provide returns on your savings.
5. Invest in Yourself
Goddess Durga
transitioned through nine forms to finally win over the Mahishasura.
This teaches us an important lesson about transformation in life.
You are your most valuable asset and investing in yourself is the
only way to transform into a better version of yourself. For a
better financial future, consider securing your health with a health
cover and planning for your retirement with high return retirement
funds today.
6. Diversify your Finances
is often a strength, and it is no different when it comes to
managing your finances and credit profile. Even when it comes to
approving your loan, lenders look for a diverse mix of credit
products such as loans, credit cards, credit lines etc. Create at
least one secondary source of income to augment your finances effectively.
7. Check Credit Score Periodically
Checking your credit score is a key component of overall financial
discipline. Contrary to a widespread rumour, checking your credit
score periodically does not affect your CIBIL or Experian score or any
other credit score provided by a credit bureau. This is to ensure that
you are aware of the factors that affect your score, including timely
payments, credit mix, age of credit etc. You can check your latest CIBIL score
for FREE using the credit score tool on the Poonawalla Fincorp
website, without affecting your score.
8. Improve Financial Knowledge
last three days of Navratri are associated with the Mahasaraswati
form of the Goddess – a deity, worshipped for her association with
knowledge. Similarly, financial literacy holds an important place in
the journey toward financial well-being. Follow the Poonawalla
Fincorp blog to never miss out on any financial concept.
9. Make Informed Decisions
Always do
your research before taking any financial decision. Even though
Mahishasura was a shape shifting demon, the Goddess used the right
weapon of the trident when the demon took the form of a buffalo to
finally destroy it. Likewise, being well informed will not only
allow us to take the right financial decisions but also plan ahead
our future finances.
To Conclude
Isn’t it overwhelming to know how Navratri has so much in store to guide us in our financial freedom journey? With these nine important financial lessons from Navratri, we are sure that this auspicious occasion will bring divine blessings for you to start a new financial journey with the teachings of Maa Durga.